We have been breeding Spanish horses for fifteen years. Over that time we have increased our herd slowly and thoughtfully. We offer for sale horses that are ready to leave home to the right owners. We have horses at all stages of development and education that may not be specifically offered for sale, but would be available to the right people.
These include: brood mares, ex broodmares (backed and unbacked), a variety of unbacked colts, fillies and geldings, backed and classically educated mares and geldings at different levels.
The horses shown on this page are available, or will be available to their forever homes. We are under no pressure to sell the youngsters as we generally prefer to start their education ourselves. This does not mean that we would not let one of the younger horses go, to the right person.
Our horses are valued, not priced. The quality of their upbringing, handling, classical education, age and potential will be reflected in this value, in line with the market.
Contact me by email to find out more about the horses we currently have who are looking for their special forever home.
Horses who have left home!